In the Product Settings, We need to configure the products images which we want to display in the Gallery.

Their are multiple options to display the image Gallery these are =>

All Products => If you select this option then all products images will be selected and gallery will be created for all products images

1) Select All Products tab

Products => In this settings you need to select the products one by one, you can select multiple products

1) Select Products tab

2) Put the name of the product which you want to add in the gallery

Vendors => Select the vendors which you want to display in the gallery, you can select multiple vendors.

1) Select the Vendors tab

2) Enter the name of the vendor

Product Types => You can filter the product by product type, select then multiple product types to show products in the gallery

1) Select the Product Type tab

2) Enter the product type in the box

Product Tags => Select the product tags options to display the product by tags

1) Select Product Tags tab

2) Enter the multiple tags in the box

Collection => Select the collection filter to create the product gallery

1) Select Collection tab

2) Enter the multiple collection name in the box

Note: You need to select only one settings from these options