1. Pre-Order Button Name

From your desk, go to >>Display Setting >>Pre-Order Button Display Settings >>Pre-Order Button Name section

Now click and write the button name text as your choice

Hit on Save Settings.

2. Pre-Order Button Description text

From your desk, go to the >>Display Setting >>Pre-Order Button Display Settings >>Pre-Order Button Description section

Now click and write the description text as your choice

Hit on Save Settings.

3. Pre-Order Button Text Color

From your desk, go to >>Display Setting >>Pre-Order Button Display Settings >>Pre-Order Button Text Color section

Now click and change the color as your choice

Hit on Save Settings.

4. Pre-Order Button Background Color

From your desk, go to the >>Display Setting >>Pre-Order Button Display Settings >>Pre-Order Button Background Color section

Now click and change the color as your choice

Hit on Save Settings.

5. The Button Font-Size

From your desk, go to the >>Display Setting >>Pre-Order Button Display Settings >>Button Font-Size section

Now click and drag the pointer to increase/decrease to size as your choice

Hit on Save Settings.

6. The Button Width

From your desk, go to >>Display Setting >>Pre-Order Button Display Settings >>Button Width section

Now click and drag the pointer to increase/decrease the width as your choice.

Hit on Save Settings.

7. The Button Height

From your desk, go to >>Display Setting >>Pre-Order Button Display Settings >>Button Height section

Now click and drag the pointer for increase/decrease to height as your choice

Hit on Save Settings.

8. Custom CSS

From your desk, go to >>Display Setting >>Pre-Order Button Display Settings >>Custom CSS section

Now click and write the custom CSS as your choice

Hit on Save Settings.