In this tutorial, you will learn to generate the Webservice key, please follow the below steps:-
1. From your Dashboard, go to the Advanced Parameters=>Webservice.
2. Now copy the KEY of the SAAS PRODUCT LABELS MODULE.

3. Now paste the copied KEY into Webservice Key on the Prestashop Settings page.

4. Now click on the Update Settings button to save it.
1. To generate the Webservice key first click on the Advances Parameters from your store dashboard page.
2. Inside the Advances Parameters you can see the Webservice button click on it.
3. Now you can click on the Add New Webservice button.
4. Now inside the Webservice Accounts, you can see the Generate button, click on it to generate your random key.
5. Also you can see Enable Webservice Key button, and set it as Yes.
6. Now set the Permissions. first, you check the Products and Shop_urls box as All.
7. At last click on the Save button.
8. Now you can see your Webservice Key will be generated.
9. After that you can click on the Enable PrestaShop's Webservice button.
10. At last click on the Save button.
That's how your Webservice key will be generated.