First of all, go to the app and click on the Product Warning from the sidebar menu, please follow the given below steps.

1. Warning List

  • In the Warning List section, you will see the existing rule.

  • You can Edit and Delete the rule.

  • Also, you can go Display Settings or Create New Warning

2. Create New Warning

  • First, Enable the app status.

  • Now add the Warning Title(internal use only).

  • Now add the Warning Message.

  • Now select the Products on which you want to add the warning.

  • Now click on the Save Settings button. 

3. Display Settings

  • In this section, you can manage the Warning Message.

  • Now add the Warning Heading.

  • Now select the Font size for the Warning heading and the Warning message.

  • Now select the Color for the Heading and Message.

  • Now select the Text color, Background color, and Hover color for the Confirm button.

  • Now select the Text color, Background color, and Hover color for the Cancel button.

  • Now select the Color for the Popup Background and the Popup Overlay.

  • Now select the Product Warning Icon.

  • Now check the checkbox to Allow adding items to the cart after clicking the add-to-cart or buy-now button.

  • Now check the checkbox to Show the warning only once per user session.

  • Now click on the Save Settings button.