How to Configure the App Settings ?
Modified on: Mon, 30 Oct, 2023 at 3:19 PM
To configure the app's settings, you should follow these straightforward steps.
Review Widget Title : You have the flexibility to customize the review widget title according to your preferences.
Total Review Text : You can include this text to display the review count accordingly.
No Review Text : This text use for no reviews on the products.
Write a Review button : This button is visible on every product page, so you can change the text if you want.
Auto Publish Reviews : If you choose this option, reviews will be published in accordance with the conditions you have selected.
Select Review Template : You can select the template as per your preference.
Colors : You can change the color of Review user color, description color, star color, widget date color, button color and text color.
Average Rating Show on Collection page : You can show or hide that feature according to your preference.
Date Label : You can also show or hide that feature to hide or show date on the review.
Custom CSS : If you want to make changes apart from these features, then you add the custom CSS here.

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