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ShagunBox: 32+ Premium Apps
Sales Popup App
How can I change the background image of the sales popup?
How can I change the sales popup display duration?
How can I change the interval time between two notifications?
How can I hide the name of my customers in Pop-ups that appeared on the storefront?
How to hide the Sale Popups on mobile?
View all 10
Currency Converter App
How to setup store money format?
How to Enabled Geo-location-based auto-switch currency?
How can I change the Default Currency?
How can I change the Checkout currency notification message?
IP Log App
How can I enable the IP Log App?
How to disable the IP Log App?
Quick View App
How to enable the Quick View App?
How to disable the Quick View App?
Is there a liquid installation required?
Trust Badge App
Is there a liquid installation required?
How to disable the Trust Badge App?
How can I change the Icon color?
How can I upload an image icon?
Related Products App
How to select related products?
What is the use of the "Max No. of Products to Display in One Row" input field?
How can I sync my Shopify store products?
What are the steps to uninstall Related Products App code from the theme?
Product Review App
What are the steps to uninstall Product Review App code from the theme?
Stock Countdown App
How can I enable the Stock Countdown App?
How can I hide the background color of the stock countdown template?
How can I hide the actual quantity of a product?
How can I show the stock countdown template before the Add-to-cart button?
What is the use of the "The Label Will Automatically Appear For Products With... " input field?
View all 6
Color Swatch App
How to enable the Color Swatch App?
How to disable the Color Swatch App?
How to Define solid colors?
What are the steps to uninstall Color Swatch App code from the theme?
Store Locator App
How to get Map Box API Access tokens?
How to display store locator on our Shopify store?
How to create store Locations?
How do add a new store Location with the Correct store location on the map?
How to Update store Location?
Product Description App
How can I create a new feature section?
How can I pick products for feature section?
I want to display feature section on custom page. How can I do That?
Cross-Sell App
How can I enable the Cross-Sell App?
How to set the maximum number of products to show?
How can I redirect to the cart or checkout page after adding the product bundle?
How to filter out recommendation conditions?
What are the steps to uninstall Cross-Sell App code from the theme?
Product option app
1. How to create Option?
2. How to create Option Sets?
3. How to customize display settings
How to select products to apply options?
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